Exploring Different Paths Instead of Divorce With Your Spouse

Content: Divorce is never an easy choice, both emotionally and financially. It can sometimes lead to losing the support and respect of your family and friends. So, if your marriage is struggling and you’re looking for another way out, there are a couple of alternatives to consider.

First, let’s look at two main ways you can separate without going through a formal divorce process. Both involve living apart, but only one requires legal intervention in Georgia. Unofficial Separation and Legal Separation are the two primary methods.

Unofficial Separation is a temporary estrangement, involving no legal paperwork or significant changes to your daily life. It’s suitable for childless couples without shared assets. However, for those with children or assets, this may not be as functional because potential disagreements would still be considered marital conflicts by legal institutions.

On the other hand, Legal Separation, also known as separate maintenance action in Georgia, is a legally recognized separation without officially ending the marriage. It comes with a defined structure for issues like parenting, asset division, and alimony discussions. Its benefits include retaining certain marital privileges like health insurance, tax benefits, and military benefits. However, the downside is its tedious paperwork and potential for delays. Furthermore, if you decide to get a divorce later, you have to initiate the whole process afresh.

Therefore, Legal Separation can be a safe option if you want to stay married but live separately. However, sometimes it can be more expensive and combative than an uncontested divorce. If you’re uncertain about a divorce, an Unofficial Separation might allow you to explore your feelings before plunging into any binding decisions.