Model & Influencer Emma Kanngiesser Reveals Her Fitness Secrets

Emma Kanngiesser, a popular German model and influencer, has been capturing the attention of her social media followers with her fitness success over the past few years. In this interview, she shares her fitness routine and offers helpful advice for those looking to change their own lifestyles.

Typically, her fitness routine involves a morning Pilates session, and throughout the day, she prefers to walk to her destinations instead of taking an Uber. This approach ensures that fitness remains a priority in her daily life. She was inspired to start her fitness journey because she wanted to improve her overall well-being and find a sustainable way to incorporate physical activity into her bustling life.

Over time, her fitness journey has evolved to incorporate more holistic elements. She has learned to listen to her body and adjust her routine as needed. She has also adopted a nutritious vegetarian diet, focusing on whole, unprocessed foods that support her fitness goals. Her favorite types of workouts are Pilates and walking, which keep her motivated and fit.

Emma stays motivated by focusing on the positive outcomes of her routine and goal setting. She is proud of achieving a level of physical fitness and body confidence that makes her happy with her body. Regarding balancing her fitness routine with other daily responsibilities, she emphasizes planning, prioritization, and flexibility.

Nutrition plays a crucial role in her fitness routine, and some of her go-to meals include quinoa salad with mixed vegetables and chickpeas, and vegetable stir-fry with tofu and brown rice. For snacks, she enjoys almonds, smoothies, or yogurt with fruit.

She incorporates regular rest and recovery days into her fitness plan and ensures she gets a good sleep each night. On her rest days, she engages in gentle activities like stretching or leisurely walks.

One significant challenge she faced was a broken arm due to skiing. During the recovery period, she adjusted her diet to ensure she got the necessary nutrients for healing and stayed mentally engaged with fitness by reading about new techniques and planning her return. She advises beginners to start small, set achievable goals, find activities they enjoy, and eat whole, unprocessed foods. It’s also important to take rest and recovery days to maintain long-term health. Her balanced and patient approach has undoubtedly contributed to her fitness success.