Comprehensive Guide to Sclerotherapy for Spider Veins on Legs

Treatment for Spider Veins on Legs: Understanding Sclerotherapy

Curious about treating spider veins on your legs with sclerotherapy? The USA Vein Clinic offers sclerotherapy as a leading solution. Sclerotherapy involves using a special chemical, either a liquid or foam sclerosant, to target and eliminate varicose veins. This treatment aims to:

– Remove the affected varicose vein
– Manage Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)
– Reduce venous symptoms
– Improve overall quality of life
– Enhance venous function
– Boost aesthetic appearance

When is Sclerotherapy Recommended?

Sclerotherapy is suggested for various types of varicose veins, including:

– Trunk veins with insufficiency
– Reticular varicose veins
– Spider veins, also known as telangiectasia
– Residual and recurring varicose veins
– Varicose veins in the genital and perigenital areas
– Venous malformations

Studies have shown that sclerotherapy is a cost-effective method for treating spider veins on the legs, especially visual sclerotherapy.

What are the Contraindications?

Certain conditions might make sclerotherapy unsuitable. These absolute and relative contraindications include:

– Allergies to the sclerosant
– Recent deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism
– Local or severe general infections
– Extended immobility or being bedridden

In some cases, like post-thrombotic leg ulcers, sclerotherapy might be possible with additional safety measures, such as temporary medications.

Are there Complications or Risks?

Sclerotherapy is highly effective with minimal complications when done correctly. Rare issues may include allergic reactions, brief vagal reactions, headaches, visual disturbances, or deep vein thrombosis, which may indicate thrombophilia. Generally, there are no age or risk limitations, and it’s also safe for individuals on anticoagulant treatment.

Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy Procedure

At the USA Vein Clinic, our procedure involves:

– Identifying the vein segment for injection and surrounding arteries using ultrasound.
– For short cross and trunk veins, puncturing in the thigh or calf’s proximal area. Otherwise, veins are punctured in the safest, most accessible region.
– Visualizing veins using sonography.

Recommendations for Sclerotherapy for Spider Veins on Legs:

– Perform injections with the patient reclining.
– Use disposable syringes for smoother operations.
– Employ thin needles (up to 32G).
– Consider the air block technique.
– Multiple sessions can yield better results.

During treatment, immediate vein blanching might occur. If the skin turns white around the puncture site, halt the injection to avoid skin damage. Stop immediately if severe pain arises during the injection.

How to Measure Sclerotherapy’s Effectiveness?

Effectiveness is measured by clinical, morphological, and hemodynamic factors. Clinically, success is indicated by reduced varicose or venous signs.

Book Your Sclerotherapy Session

Seek the best treatment for spider veins on your legs at the USA Vein Clinic by scheduling your sclerotherapy session with us.