10 Unusual Signals Men Use to Indicate Interest

You know the saying, “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.” Well, sometimes figuring out men’s behavior can feel like it’s from another planet. Here are 10 signs that might mean a guy is interested in you but that you often overlook or misinterpret.

He seems awkward: You expect him to make the first move, but he doesn’t seem to notice your cues. This might make you think he’s uninterested. In reality, he could be overthinking and worried about messing things up, making him appear awkward.

He acts cocky: If you’ve met a guy who suddenly acts all confident and cocky around you, it might seem off-putting or strange. This behavior can actually be his way of trying to impress you, even though it might come across as weird.

He stops using his phone: When a guy likes you, he’ll set his phone aside to focus entirely on you. It’s not about avoiding calls; it’s about giving you his full attention, which is a clear sign of interest.

He looks away: If a guy quickly looks away after making eye contact, you might think he’s not interested. But often it’s the opposite: he’s shy or trying to hide his feelings, causing him to avert his gaze.

He teases you a lot: Remember how boys used to tease girls they liked in school? Some things don’t change. If a guy teases you frequently, it’s often his immature way of showing he likes you.

He makes jokes often: Men often use humor to impress someone they like. If a usually serious guy starts joking a lot around you, he might be trying to make you laugh and leave a good impression.

He wants to see you during the day: If a guy eagerly meets up with you during the day instead of just planning evening dates, it shows he’s genuinely interested in spending time with you, not just aiming for a romantic night.

He doesn’t face you while talking: A guy who avoids direct eye contact while talking might not be disinterested. He could be shy and nervous, focusing on coming up with interesting things to say to impress you.

His hands are clammy: Clammy hands can be a sign of nervousness. If he’s frequently wiping his palms, it’s likely because he’s excited and a bit anxious about being around you.

He raises his eyebrow: When a guy raises his eyebrow upon seeing you, it’s usually a subconscious sign of attraction. It’s not about disapproval, but rather an involuntary reaction showing he likes you.

Your initial impression of a guy can often be misleading. Before jumping to conclusions, watch for these subtle signs the next time you’re trying to figure out if a guy likes you or not.