Embracing Your Identity: Prioritizing Self Before Marriage and Friendship

Permission to Be – Are You Truly Yourself Before Marriage or Friendship?

Have you ever done something or made a decision based on how others might react? Do you find yourself seeking approval from others, maybe by posting on social media to get likes or comments? If you said no, you’re quite rare!

Sometimes we don’t allow ourselves just to be. We naturally seek connection and attention, and we care about what others think—that’s okay. But the problem arises when this shapes our behavior and thought patterns too much.

Think about the last big purchase you made. Did you buy that car for yourself, or were you hoping others would notice? Often, we let others influence how we act. Have you ever talked to someone who seemed to be trying too hard to project a certain image? Whether they realize it or not, it’s a sad thing to witness. Pay attention, and you’ll see that a lot of pain in interactions comes from people insisting on maintaining a particular image. What are they trying to prove? If we were all genuinely ourselves, much of this hurt would disappear.

At our core, we are good, unique, and we each have an impact on the world around us. I challenge you to consider: How much permission do you give yourself to just be—to be human, to learn, to grow, to embrace both the good and the not-so-good parts of yourself?

Here are some ways I’m giving myself permission, and maybe you can too:

– I will give myself permission to feel.
– I will give myself permission to love.
– I will give myself permission to accept love from the amazing people around me.
– I will give myself permission to speak, to be quiet, and everything in between.
– I will give myself permission to walk away from things that don’t serve me.
– I will give myself permission to stay with things that help me.

Don’t hand over your personal power to anyone else. The permission to be yourself is yours to give. Be the kind and loving judge of your own situation.

Handle life’s challenges in a way that only you can. There’s no single right way to be. If your marriage is tough but you’re sticking with it, that’s your choice. If it’s too difficult and you’ve moved on, good for you for making that decision. Just be!

In relationships, give yourself permission to focus on you, instead of worrying about what your partner is doing or not doing. This is key to repairing a broken relationship. Take charge of yourself and just be.

Give yourself permission to see, hear, and touch your own life. When you spend too much time imagining what’s in someone else’s mind, especially concerning you, you’re discounting yourself and becoming something you’re not.

Don’t be fooled by people trying to project a certain image. It’s often empty, and it’s sad to see.

I give myself permission to be authentic and expect the same from those around me. This means I won’t share my troubles with those annoyed by my successes, nor will I share my joys with those absent during tough times. I take myself seriously.

See, I give myself permission to be me, which naturally attracts the right people and filters out the rest. Only the genuine ones will stay when you’re truly yourself.

Ideally, we shouldn’t need permission to be ourselves, but sometimes, especially during challenging times, we neglect self-love. So, consider this your invitation to permit yourself to just be.

In the face of criticism, judgment, isolation, exhaustion, fear, or any other negative emotion, the love you need most is self-love. Don’t forget to be your own advocate!

May these words inspire you to love and be yourself more fully.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Love and life to you!